Warts removal by cauterisation
Warts are usually contagious viral skin infection. Radio frequency ablation is used for removal of warts usually appearing due to viral infection and rarely from genetic history.leaves almost no scars , no pigmentation post treatment .
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Mole removal by cauterisation
Moles are hyper pigmented dark brown or light brown clusters of pigmented cells or harmless & painless skin growth which can be taken out with Radio frequency ablasion . Leaves almost no scars , no pigmentation post treatment .
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Skin tag removal by cauterisation
Harmless and painless skin growth with a narrow stalk , usually around neck , under arms and upper chest due to high cholesterol levels can be removed with Radio frequency ablasion. Leaves almost no scars , no pigmentation post treatment .
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Corn removal by cauterisation
Painfull rough skin at the foot surface due to a foreign body post any minor injury which can be removed with Radio frequency ablasion easily. leaves almost no scars , no pigmentation post treatment .
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